Monday, November 7, 2011


It is so easy for us to say one thing and yet DO another. No matter who we are or how we live, the fact remains that not one of us is perfect and nor will we EVER be. We have all made mistakes in the past and we will make plenty more in the future. Quite often, we tend to look down upon others who experience failure, even though we KNOW it is not very Christian-like to do so. This brings me to me point today........

This morning, while doing a search on Google, I came across a German word, 'schadenfreude', which means receiving pleasure from the misfortune of others. I, of course, had never even heard of that word, but I definitely know another statement which closely describes the same concept..."Don't spit in the wind." I feel sure most people reading this have heard these words too. You don't spit in the wind... you mustn't triumph over the tragedies of others...don't celebrate their failures...never relish someones not 'rub it in.' All of the previous statements lead up to something I read on Facebook today....MOCK NOT THE FALLEN, FOR SLIPPERY IS THE ROAD AHEAD OF YOU...How true this is!

If you think back for a moment, I feel sure you can remember either saying or hearing someone say....That will never happen to kids would never do that...she knows better...he deserves it...

The bible teaches us to commiserate or to sympathize with others who are having a hard time. We are taught to encourage others, to be there for them and to harden not our hearts. We must love our fellow brother or sister in a Christlike way. You never know when your faith, belief or Christian character might be tested by an angel unaware. It all boils down to DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU. I feel that someone might have needed to hear these words this morning....just a little food for thought.....God Bless!

Proverbs 24:17-18 Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles; lest the Lord see it, and it displease Him, and He turn away His wrath from him

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