Thursday, August 18, 2011

What Would He Really Do?

A few years ago, I remember seeing alot of plastic bracelets, baseball caps, t-shirts and bumper stickers, all with the initials WWJD printed upon them.  People wore these everywhere.  Even convenience stores had baskets of items with these initials sitting on the counter near the register.  It seems like everyone had at least one item which carried the initials WWJD. 

 Just in case you missed out on this particular "fad", those initials stood for:  WHAT WOULD JESUS DO

These days, its seldom we see those plastic bracelets, t-shirts or bumper stickers.  But, we need to all keep that question forefront in our minds when faced with any and all of life's circumstances.  Would Jesus get angry and scream at his little brother?  Would Jesus approve of us hating our family members?  Would he think a little bit of gossip is ok?  Would he mind if I just refused to forgive certain people?  How bout if I told a few "white" lies?  If I refused to look at those homeless people?  What would Jesus think about my envy of others?  My lack of concern?  My horrible language?

I am not certain, but, if you are anything like me, you can identify with one of the questions I just asked.  I feel quite sure that Jesus would frown upon and turn away in sorrow each time we acted in such a manner.  Our Bible tells us many things, but one of the underlying themes throughout both The Old and The New Testaments is that of..........................LOVE..................

As Christians, it is our mission and our goal to become more like Jesus.  While He was here on earth, Jesus showed compassion for those who suffered, listened attentively, had remarkable patience, displayed universal respect, practiced forgiveness and refused to judge.  Yes, I just said a mouthful.  I meant for that sentence to be long.  Jesus was and still is the greatest role model who ever existed!  His outlook was simple, His logic was easy to understand.  His message was LOVE.  His message is LOVE.  Without love, we have nothing.  His word even tells us in 1 John 4:8, "He who does not love does not know God, for God is love."  I dont know about you, but to me, that scripture carries much weight! 

God, I ask you to make me more like Jesus.  Let His ways become my ways, let my thoughts become more like His.  Let me become less like me and more like you, God.  Let me grow in love in every area of my life!

Ephesians 5:2  And walk in love, as Christ who has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma

Romans 12:9  Let love be without hyprocrisy.  Abhor what is evil.  Cling to what is good.

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