Monday, October 24, 2011


Have you ever had a nagging feeling that something just wasn't right? Have you ever felt an urgency to tell someone else about this feeling, but didn't quite know how to bring it up? Well, a friend of mine recently experienced these feelings and was kind enough to share her concern with me. Her actions clearly exhibited her gift of discernment and I can't help but tell you about it today. know who you are.

I am including a message she posted here on FB in which she expressed her care and concern. Here goes:

Ok...I dont want you to think I'm nuts or anything and You know I dont know anything about your life other than what I have seen on I am in no way trying to be nosey....but, I do want you to know that I woke up praying for you last night & you have been on my mind all morning. Just be careful and take care of you....don't let anyone trick you into thinking they are good when they are really just evil on the inside...(Even someone close enough to sit down at the kitchen table for a heart to heart.) There are so many people that carry decietful spirits and they dont even realize it. I know you already know that...

My friend had no idea about any of the details of my life when she sent that message two weeks ago. In fact, she was reluctant to even send the message. However, I am glad that she did. I wont go into details here, but the Lord clearly placed the gift of discernment upon her heart at that particular time. I am thankful for her obedience to the spirit of the Lord. I urge others to do the same. When God tells you to do something, it is for a reason.....even if everything on the surface seems to be fine.

I am thankful this morning for discernment of the spirit. Discernment is defined as.... the activity of determining the value and the quality of a certain subject or event. It goes past the mere perception of something. Those with discernment possess wisdom and good judgement....I define discernment as a loving gift, given by God Almighty to those who truly seek His ways! Everything is not always what it seems to be on the surface. Satan is the great manipulator...he knows our weaknesses, he knows how to get us down...We are part of an unseen spiritual warfare...ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD...If God lays someone upon your heart, please follow His lead, like my friend did the other day. You never know how powerful your prayers might actually be!

1 John 4:1 Bleoved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world

Psalm 119:125 I am your servant, give me discernment that I may understand your statutes

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