Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I have often wrote about how quickly life, as we know it, can change within the blink of an eye.  Yes, my family has had it's share of heartache throughout this past week, but, as you all know, it happens to everyone and we are all so thankful for your prayers.  Today, I want to write a little bit more about this everchanging life we all live.  I hope you find it uplifting.  I hope it offers encouragement to someone.  If it does, I have accomplished what I have set out to do today!

I know lots of people who live with no excitement in their daily lives.  They go to work, do their job, go home, go to bed and get up and do it again, week after week after week.  I also know people who are afraid of getting out of their comfort zone, afraid of doing anything different.  I even know people who truly believe that their lives are somewhat cursed and that they are perhaps being punished for things which happened years ago.  I don't know about you, but I have been able to identify with every single situation I just listed. 


Life doesn't have to be that way.  Life was meant for us to enjoy.  Happy, not sad.  Exciting, never boring.  Emotional, not unfeeling.  I read a few quotes this morning and wrote a couple of them down in order that I might share them with you now.  Here goes:

~A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step....Lao Tzu
~The purpose of life is a life of purpose....Robert Bryne

While neither of these quotes make direct mention of God, they both clearly speak to my soul.  If we desire change in our daily lives, we must find the courage to get up and take that first step.  It is our responsibility to find our own unique purpose which God intended for our lives.  We are all here today, but could possibly be gone tomorrow.  Our very next breath is not even guaranteed. 

I am so grateful for all of the wonderful blessings which God has been showering down upon me from the windows of Heaven.  I have been blessed, blessed, blessed!  It is my wish that countless others experience the same sort of joy that I feel in my heart, in my soul and in my life in general.  I am happy today and I am so excited about my future.  I really cant wait to see whats going to happen next. 

At this time, I would like to encourage anyone reading these words to allow the love of the Lord into your life.  Get into His word!  Live by His principles!  Experience the sort of love which only He can provide.  When you line up to Him, watch and be amazed at how He will line up with you! 

Psalm 40:3  He has put a new song in my mouth- Praise to our God

Psalm 37:4  Delight yourself also in the Lord,  trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass

1 comment:

  1. I heard this a few times and it could be conceived as a cliche but it doesn't change that it is true: Life is not a dress rehearsal. We are given one shot at it and I agree with you: that chance should not be wasted. To truly make it a success we should travel with the Master Guide. He'll take us on a tour that we'll NEVER forget!
