Thursday, September 22, 2011


Earlier this morning, I read something written by a woman named Valerie.  I do not know her personally, but her words spoke to my soul and delivered a rush of inspiration to me.  The words that Valerie wrote clearly came from her heart and she humbly asked for prayer.  She asked that others please pray for her in that she might seek God first, hear His direction and follow His guidance as much as she possibly can.  Valerie provides assistance to abused and homeless families but feels that her role is very small....that what she does doesn't seem important......AND THAT'S WHEN THE LORD STEPPED IN.......

I think we all might have a little bit of Valerie in us....even if your name is Lisa, John, Kelli, Debbie, Robin, Ross, Gina, Blair, Bruce, Tom Or Jean....Mary, Kim, Terry, Kenneth or Ron....

We all have our own particular complexes.  We are prone to feel inferior at times.  We often feel that our best is not good enough.  We tend to see others as 'better' or more important in the eyes of man.Thats just it.......IN THE EYES OF MAN

God knows Valerie by name.  He know us all, as a matter of fact.  He knew us before we were even formed in the womb (Jeremiah 1:5).  Think about that for a minute.....Is that an awesome concept or what????   Every single thought and feeling that we experience is of the utmost importance to our God.  We are His children!!!  We are important!  He loves us!  He truly loves us, no matter what our job or position in life.  In fact, His word tells us that the last will be first, and the first last (Matthew 20:16).  It gets even better than Matthew 25:40, Jesus tells us, in His own words, "Inasmuch as you did it to one of my brothers, you did it to me."  WOW.....I am blown away this morning!

I dont know about you, but I feel special this morning....Today, I wanna thank God for loving me and for knowing me by name....Let me do what He tells me to do....Let me go where He sends me...Let me not feel small or unimportant...Let me know that I am a child of royalty! 

Am praying for you Valerie!  Please pray for me as well.

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